Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baked Rosti Potatoes

Baked Rosti Potatoes & Garlic Pork Steak
I get pretty excited when my Kraft Canada Magazine arrives in the mail. Actually I get pretty excited when anything arrives in the mail in my name and a lot of other free goodies have lately. Usually I'll try one or two recipes in the magazines just to try out something different. Came across a recipe for baked rosti potatoes and thought I'd pair that up with our garlic pork steaks (already pre-marinated from the Supertore in the package). The pork was bbq'd and tasted amazing but the potatoes I was not a fan of too much but hubby seemed to like them. He is a total meat and potatoes guy so it doesn't take much to please him. They just tasted really bland to me and could have used some more seasonings. I didn't use the small onion it called for since we don't like onions or the texture of them so I added onion powder as a substitute. So in my opinion they were a bit of a letdown. Even the ratings that other people gave this recipe on the KraftCanada website said it was bland and gave it a low score. See recipe:

Tapioca Pudding
For dessert, my hubby mentioned if I'd make him some tapioca pudding this week and I finally got around to it. It's just the ClubHouse box brand that was used. I don't know what he likes so much about it but I sprinkled some nutmeg and added some walnuts to mine. Psst... it's also gluten free!

1 comment:

  1. I had a tuna sandwich for supper and now I am looking at this and drooling...
