Friday, January 7, 2011

The soup, the biscuit, and the crepe

So after carving that amazing turkey I pulled out a big pot, filled it up half way with water, and dropped in the whole carcass. It boiled down for a few hours and created an amazing turkey broth which would then turn into a wonderful turkey soup for the next day! I pulled off all the remaining meat to use for the soup and discarded everything else. Today I reboiled the broth with the remaining turkey, veggies, and some whole wheat eggs noodles. It's all up to you what you want to use for seasonings. I did some dried thyme, poultry seasoning, salt, pepper, and chicken stock.

Soup is such a comfort food and a nice, fresh, hot out of the oven biscuit is the best combination. I did a search on All Recipes and found this great one for Cheddar Thyme Biscuits. I used whole wheat flour and dried thyme. They turned out great and paired perfectly with the soup.

For dessert, I made cinnamon crepes with caramelized apples and pecans. The crepes were made earlier in the day so I didn't have to slave in the kitchen at suppertime. In a sauce pan I added 2 tablespoons of butter, 4 sliced up mixed apples, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. I cooked the apples down until they were soft then added some pecans. We enjoyed these with some Java Moose Jamacian Butter Rum Fudge coffee. It was amazing.

I made everything from scratch and had a lot of fun in the kitchen today and the meal was enjoyed by all!


  1. It was not enjoyed by Moi sadly. I guess I have to invite you over to make up for ditching you last Sunday to get these good meals again.
    I want a crepe!!!

    Fashion in the Fog: Crazy Spin Pin Giveaway

  2. Crepes come with babysitting... but for you... I could work out something. Next Wed/Thurs night I could fit you in.
